Oneness Platinum Alchemy Home Care System


Oneness Biological Crystalline Conversion Homecare System

Platinum Alchemy Biological Crystalline Conversion Home Care System for Spiritual Seekers, Healers, Lightworkers, Star Seeds, to overcome exhaustion, disconnection, clear cellular memory, activate personal star codes, connect to your star family, more fully ground and embody your soul light.

The homecare system works in several ways to provide ongoing clearing-healing and support in the energetic matrix of your subtle energy system, the main reasons to use the full homecare system.

  1. To continue clearing any residue that may arise from the subtle energy layers, mind, body, emotions in your energy system after your treatment, this is very normal and natural for us to want to return to old patterns if the energies are not cleared right our of all layers of the energy system, this prevents bounce backs in your program and is a key to rapid energy expansion.
  2. Begin the clearing in the energy system to open up and move into the next level of consciousness, in preparation for your next Platinum Alchemy soul PATH healing to reduce your Soul Gap and more fully embody your source light.
  3. Homecare packs can be used alone if you have previously been on a program or completed training and understand how to use the Platinum Alchemy homecare system.
  4. Rapidly clears energies arising from personal evolution fallout from rising collective consciousness which can feel forced on us through physical health, emotional health, mental health concerns.

If you don’t know which product range to use or have never used my products, please contact me for a 15 min chat so I may help you choose the most appropriate system. 


What’s Included in the Homecare System pack

6 x Crystal Detox Zeolite Clinoptilolite baths

1 x Oneness gem and flower elixir

1 x Oneness Aroma-Crystal Aura Mist

1 x Oneness Aroma-Crystal Chakra Oil

1 x Angelic Botanical Herbal Tea for biological cellular crystalline support

1 x Oneness Invocation

1 x Oneness Ebook

1 x Oneness Shadows Workbook Ebook

1 x Oneness Crystal Bowl Meditation Soundcloud access